The PM Society has been driving forward standards in digital marketing for decades with initiatives such as the annual Digital Awards.

The PM Society’s Digital Interest Group (DIG) aims to lead the conversations in the use of digital to power customer engagement excellence and ultimately enable better patient outcomes. We do this through our thought-leadership content and events. At the bottom of this page you can explore the content that we have created, and view past event recordings to learn more about how we contribute to our industry.

Our members are from pharmaceutical companies, and agencies working in the pharmaceutical marketing space. On a quarterly basis, the group comes together to share, learn and contribute to our ongoing plan and keep our activities on track.

Please email Alexandra or call 01403 264898 if you are interested in finding out more or to join the group.


The PM Society is a not-for-profit organisation that believes excellent healthcare Communications lead to better outcomes for patients.

Click HERE to learn more about the society, and the value of becoming a member.


Latest articles

Simple Rules for Success to Supporting HCP's

Our Digital Interest Group has put together a quick video showing the simple rules for success in supporting HCP's.

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Who is the customer? Rabbit holes in Wonderland and the road to building compassionate connections

Could the magical allure of a white rabbit really ignite a renewed perspective on who our customer truly is?...

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Chatting channels: IT as an enabler of customer engagement excellence

This Pharmaceutical Marketing Society article is based on a recent discussion between three members of the Digital Interest Group.

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PM Society Digital Interest Group 2023 Year in Review

This article provided an overview of various thought-provoking articles published by the PM Society Digital Interest Group (DIG) throughout...

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A Seasonal Tale of Forgotten Marketing Toys

This article is the 13th in a series produced by the Digital Interest Group. It is an exciting time...

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The Pharma Field Team HCP Engagement Model of the Future

This article is the 12th in a series produced by the Pharmaceutical Marketing Society’s Digital Interest Group.

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Bridging the Global-Local Divide: Achieving Content Excellence in Pharma

Delivering relevant, valuable and timely content at scale to healthcare professionals (HCPs) still proves a challenge for many global...

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Generative AI: hyper efficient or just plain hype?

The phrase “AI will not replace you, a person using it will” probably sums up how those working in #pharmamarketing and #medicalcommunications fields...

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Modular Content: 5 Insights From Early Leaders in the UK

By 2025, 50% of content will be modular, according to The Veeva Executive Content Innovation Council.

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How the future of doctor engagement is only a click away

Pharmaceutical companies have two main choices when looking to build and maintain relationships with doctors and other healthcare professionals...

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The future of Medical Education

This article explores what this means for medical education. What is the future (and the very real present) that...

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What does the pharmaceutical representative of the future look like?

The world has undeniably undergone a digital transformation, with all industries now offering us as consumers a choice of...

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Digital Interest Group Best Practice Series: Unlocking value

Today we explore the role consent plays in helping the Healthcare and Bio-Pharma Industry market medicines and services to...

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Without buy-in from field teams and integration across functions, omnichannel will fail

Whether you have clicked on this article because the title has ruffled a few feathers, or because you are...

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"It's not you Compliance , it's me"

How knowledge and teamwork delivers great compliant omnichannel pharma results.

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Why you’re wasting money with digital marketing in Pharma

Programmatic Marketing uses software to automate processes for purchasing digital advertising.

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Building backwards to omnichannel excellence

Using the word ‘omnichannel’ communicates a desire to deliver consistently brilliant and seamless experiences in all the settings where...

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Four at Four Digital Webinar Series - Watch Again

In 2021, the PM Society’s Digital Interest Group ran a series of interactive virtual sessions to help build omnichannel...

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“Four at Four” Digital Webinar Series

In 2021, the PM Society’s Digital Interest Group are running a series of interactive virtual sessions to help build...

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Webinar: Excelling in customer engagement - event report

Excelling in customer engagement How life sciences brands are re-defining HCP communications in light of the global pandemic.  Wednesday,...

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Agile Marketing: how to innovate faster, better & cheaper - Full Report

Agile Marketing: how to innovate faster, better & cheaper – Full Event Report Industry and agency experts gathered on...

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Digital Works V: Digital Projects and Perspectives from 2018 – Meeting Report

Digital Works V: Digital Projects and Perspectives from 2018 – Meeting Report The PM Society’s fifth Digital Works event...

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Viewpoint #6: Data is important, but which data?

Half of science is asking the right questions. So said Roger Bacon apparently. If you prefer your bacon a...

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