Categories 2022
Categories 2022
Project or Account Manager of the Year
This award is presented to someone who has shown outstanding skills in managing digital projects and leading clients through the development of one or more digital solutions during 2023/24. The winner will have displayed excellent team working, project managing and client handling skills, have met and overcome challenges of the digital medium and have a flair for innovation and digital creativity.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: Digital Project Manager, Digital Account Manager, Project Manager, Account Manager.
Eligibility: All entrants must be working within an agency as an account manager or project manager or equivalent. The emphasis is on the level of experience of this person – they should not be at an Account Director level but should be someone who is still at the AM/ PM level at the deadline for entries.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to:
Supply a short description of how the nominee has shown excellence in managing one or more digital projects during 2023/2024. You should include reference to your nominee’s project managing and client handling skills, their ability to work successfully in a team and to overcome challenging situations to deliver creative and innovative digital solutions.
Describe at least two examples of work that demonstrates the nominee’s project or account managing capabilities during 2023/2024.
Supporting material:
Entries can be submitted with a mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. (optional)
One or more client testimonials
The names and e-mail addresses of three clients who would support your nomination and be happy to be contacted by the judging panel.
For those individuals that are chosen as finalists, supplementary questions may also be sent to the nominee and the finalist and MD/manager will be asked to present to the judging panel.
Digital Agency of the Year
This award is presented to an agency that has produced outstanding digital work including omnichannel programmes, has shown high level team working skills, has successfully managed and responded to client needs, has met and overcome challenges posed by the digital medium and collectively been able to achieve high quality output while maintaining innovation and creativity during 2023/2024.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to:
Supply a short description of the team, the individuals and their roles, how they work together (including meetings and processes) and why the team works well, the body of digital work delivered by this team within the time period specified, how they’ve worked with and managed the client(s), how they’ve upheld the highest standards, how they’ve shown innovation and creative thinking and how they’ve overcome challenges.
Describe at least two examples of work delivered by the team within 2023/24 highlighting how the team effort has produced this work.
Provide at least one client testimonial that mentions the team (or more than one individual from the agency).
Provide the names and e-mail addresses of three clients who would support your nomination and be happy to be contacted by the judging panel.
Supporting material
Entries can be submitted with a mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration (optional).
Supplementary questions may also be sent to the agency team head.
Pharma Digital Partner
This award will be presented to an individual working in the pharmaceutical or life sciences industries, who is a digital champion within the organisation, pushing boundaries, championing innovation as well as being a great agency partner, following best practice in the selection of an agency and in maintaining the ongoing working relationship to produce outstanding digital work.
Nominees should be at a level where they are working with agencies to deliver work, not in roles with limited involvement with agencies. E.g roles NOT suitable would be Head of Omnichannel for an organisation, or country level or regional leads or Managing Directors.
Nominations for this category are FREE OF CHARGE and can be made by agency teams or pharma colleagues.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Please note that the nominee must be working for a Pharma/biotech company at the time of the awards presentation on 12th September 2024.
Entry cost: Free
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to:
Supply a short description of how the nominee has championed the use of digital channels and initiatives within their organisation and shown excellence in working with an agency and managing digital projects during 2023/2024. (No more than 300 words)
Please provide contact details for the individual you are nominating and ensure that they are happy to be nominated.
The shortlisted nominees will be contacted for further information and finalists will be invited to an online interview panel.
Healthcare charities, patient associations & the NHS
Digital initiatives, or campaigns developed by, for or with charities, patient associations, or the NHS. This category aims to recognise digital work that has made a difference within this sector in line with the core purpose of the organisation and its stakeholder groups. The emphasis is on the proven effectiveness of the projects and campaigns.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: The projects and campaigns need to have a core digital element but can include other channels within the communications
Entry cost: As a charity or patient association you may enter this category FREE OF CHARGE if entering yourself. Please email to receive a code for free entries.
If you are an agency, you may enter free of charge ONLY if you have undertaken the project pro bono in terms of agency hours (although external costs and expenses may have been passed on).
These entries may be by invitation as well as via entry on our website.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share internal and external stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the programme has improved an aspect of healthcare for HCPs and/or patients
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Brand promotion
Single, multi or omni-channel campaign or project designed to promote a product(s), both standalone and platform-based. The emphasis is on the effectiveness and outcomes of the project as well as the use of data analytics to improve and evolve the programme content and user experience over time.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
- Digital sales aids (eDetails), presentations or remote/co-browse detailing where a representative (or equivalent) leads the information flow when engaging with a customer
- Could include promotional med ed programmes where the main purpose is promotion of the brand
- Self-directed selling tools or website content utilised directly by the customer with no third party interaction
- Platform-based campaigns delivered over Veeva, Adobe or similar platforms
- Email campaigns, webinars, web-based content (including brand websites)
- Other projects that enhance customer facing representative effectiveness
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share internal and external stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
HCP education, training & support
Any website, e-learning programme or digital educational initiative for HCPs. Programmes may or may not be accredited (CPD), may use other integrated channels, but must have a significant digital component.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: Online CME and training modules, clinical case studies, clinical reviews, guidelines, treatment care pathways, web portals and websites, therapy area, service-focused or HCP community websites, clinical support websites, medical information, company portals, email campaigns etc.
NB: A project which is primarily an educational tool but has been approved as “promotional medical education” may still be entered here if you feel it is not a promotional tool covered by the Brand Promotion category.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share internal and external stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the programme has improved an aspect of healthcare for HCPs and/or patients
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Patient Programmes
Any single, multi or omni-channel programme or project for patients that is educational, practical or relates to patient support around a specific product or therapy area or clinical trial. E.g. post prescription support and adherence programmes.
It DOES NOT include public disease awareness campaigns. These entries should go into the Disease Awareness (Public) category.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: Patient education websites, mobile solutions, patient support tools and initiatives, websites and apps, social media campaigns, mobile health solutions, patient recruitment to clinical trials, field tools.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share internal and external stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the programme has improved an aspect of healthcare for patients
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Meetings & Events
All hybrid or virtual meeting projects, as well as digital materials and elements that have been used within a live meeting or events setting. Eligible meeting settings include congress and symposia and other HCP meetings, patient meetings and internal meetings within pharma or service agency organisations, at local, national and international levels.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Notes –
• The meeting or event requires a time sensitive or live element.
• Where a technology platform has been used (eg a virtual meetings platform) it is the specific meetings programme that is being judged – not the generic platform.
Examples: Types of events may include webinars, online meetings, e-congress activities, events run on virtual meeting platforms, exhibition stands and digital projects used within a traditional meeting setting, web-based conference highlights, projects to engage HCPs online around a live event, games and interactive displays within public settings, other experiential projects.
There are a number of elements of the meeting or event we will be evaluating in this award.
- Communication goals/strategy
- Promotion and driving engagement before, during and after the event
- The event content, interaction and experience to drive your communication goals
- Leverage of event, how the event was used to generate content, engagement, permissions etc
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your meeting/event
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your meeting/event supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your meeting/event was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Describe how you drove engagement before, during and after the event
- Cover the technological elements of your meeting/event, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share internal and external stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the event was used to generate content and enagagement
- Describe how the event has improved an aspect of healthcare for HCPs and/or patients
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
External Communications (Pharma or Agency)
Social campaigns, digital initiatives or websites to promote the organisation or a specific company initiative externally.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: This could include a company website, social media campaign, communications programme to promote a single issue or service or other digital campaign to support a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. Open to pharmaceutical companies, agencies or other organisations within the sector.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the programme has had a positive impact on the business
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Internal Communications (Pharma or Agency)
Any digital programme or campaign for internal communication, motivation and training. Open to pharmaceutical companies, agencies or other organisations within the sector. This award will also recognise innovative digital approaches to engaging teams who may be working remotely or in a hybrid working set up.
Due to the understanding that some campaigns suitable for this campaign may be commercially sensitive for longer, work used within the last two years, between April 2022 to March 2024, can be entered. Entries must have been active, online or in use at some stage between this date range.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: Email campaigns, training programmes, intranet sites, internal conference and meetings/events internal campaigns related to specific topics such as diversity and inclusion, mental health awareness, internal preparation for launch.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative)
- Share stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the programme has had a positive impact on the team/company.
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Evolving Campaigns for Success
Campaigns or projects (promotional or non-promotional) launched by Friday 5th March 2021 that were still in use on Friday 29th March 2024 with an emphasis on how the campaign has evolved over time, perhaps from a single channel to an omnichannel programme, and has continued to show successful outcomes. Entries can be for individual campaign elements or a combination of several, but with a central digital presence.
If you entered this category last year you CAN enter again this year if the campaign is still in use and you have further data to add to the entry.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
Examples: Promotional campaigns, e-learning programmes, websites, patient programmes.
This category is open to entries that have launched by Friday 5th March 2021 that were still in use on Friday 29th March 2024. If you entered this category last year you CAN enter again this year if the campaign is still in use and you have further data to add to the entry.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your campaign was developed and implemented to address the objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the technological elements of your campaign, including content, appropriate media selection and functionality
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and detail the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
- Cover how the campaign or project was designed for longer term use OR has been adapted over the time period
Effectiveness of your campaign (outcomes against objectives) (50%) (200 words or less)
- Share the programme’s targets and performance against these metrics (quantitative) including how performance has been sustained over time
- Share internal and external stakeholder feedback (qualitative)
- Describe how the programme has improved an aspect of healthcare for HCPs and/or patients
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (20%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your entry
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Film, Animation and Video
This category includes any film, video or animation utilised as a stand-alone or integrated element of a digital campaign.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
No metrics are required for these entries.
Examples: Patient videos, training videos, educational films, documentaries, adverts, YouTube videos, short form videos, interactive videos, mode of action sequences, virtual reality projects, cartoon / 2D animations, graphics/typography set to a soundtrack, interactive animation.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign.
- Clarify any CSFs and explain how you determined the strategy.
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy.
Tactical implementation (delivery) (30%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your film was developed to address your objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery).
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and the processes you utilised.
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (60%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your film.
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation.
- Provide any information you have of the impact of the film, animation or video.
Supporting material:
- Please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.
Entries open soon.
This category includes any animation utilised as a stand-alone or integrated element of a digital campaign. The majority of the entry will consist of an animated sequence(s) rather than live action.
No metrics are required for these entries.
Examples: Mode of action sequence, virtual reality projects, cartoon / 2D animations, graphics/typography set to a soundtrack, interactive animation.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign.
- Clarify any CSFs and explain how you determined the strategy.
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy.
Tactical implementation (delivery) (30%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your animation was developed and implemented to address your objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery).
- Highlight how you overcame challenges and the processes you utilised.
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Creativity and innovation in your content, presentation or delivery (60%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the creativity and innovation within your animation.
- Highlight the elements that are new or cutting-edge and the relative merits of this creativity/innovation.
Supporting material:
Please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file.
Where your animation is longer than three minutes you should supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first-round judging. The video will allow the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
Innovation - Creativity
In this category the judges will look for creativity and novel thinking. Entries will span all kinds of standalone and multichannel programmes, events and experiences. The focus is on how the project shows novel thinking or a clever creative idea or where a problem has been solved in a new way, even where the technology used is no longer considered “new”.
To view last year’s finalists for this category, click here.
No metrics are required for these entries.
Examples: Novel format for a virtual or hybrid meeting, novel use of gamification, educational initiatives, creative social media campaigns or any project where you feel your creativity or novel thinking stands out.
Entry: At entry stage you will be asked to supply a brief overview of the following:
Campaign objectives and strategy (10%) (150 words or less)
- Clearly define the SMART objectives for your programme or campaign
- Clarify the CSFs/marketing objectives your programme supports
- Explain how you utilised appropriate market insight to determine the strategy
Tactical implementation (delivery) (30%) (200 words or less)
- Describe how your project or campaign was developed and implemented to address your objectives (from conception, through approval, to delivery)
- Cover the digital/technology elements of your programme or campaign
- Highlight how you overcame any challenges and the processes you utilised
- Illustrate how you have tailored communication to suit the needs of the various target audiences and channels utilised?
Creativity and innovation in idea, content, format or delivery (60%) (200 words or less)
- Describe the novel thinking and creativity within your project or campaign
- Highlight the single idea or key element of the project which you feel is the most innovative.
- What is the key benefit of applying this creative approach or format for this target audience within this healthcare setting?
Supporting material:
- Entries can be submitted with an mp4 video file, ideally no longer than three minutes in duration. The video must clearly demonstrate any interactivity and illustrate the best features. You can video capture the entry being demonstrated (either by video or screen capture software like Camtasia or Captivate) and upload your video file with your entry.
- Websites can be entered by supplying the URL and an mp4 video demonstrating the user experience and key features. To allow judges to view and score your entry, any submitted URLs must be ‘live’ from the time of submission until at least the end of July.
- If you are entering a film or animation, please upload your full film file with your entry as an mp4 video file. Where your film is longer than three minutes you should also supply an edited video file no longer than three minutes in duration which will be used during first round judging. The video should give the judges a flavour of the entire programme.
- Please upload any additional files to support your entry such as PDFs of the campaign assets.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANT TO OBTAIN CLIENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have client approval.