Effectiveness and Craft Categories
Entries are reviewed over a two stage judging process by a highly skilled and experienced panel of judges, the majority of whom are experts from the pharma industry (holding marketing, digital or medical roles), joined by creative, digital and technical experts from agencies. We recognise and understand the sensitive nature of the information submitted in your entries; therefore we require all judges to sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement before appointment.
Effectiveness awards
For all categories within the Effectiveness section, the majority of each judging panel will be made up of experts from Industry. In addition there will be at least one healthcare professional (including Medical Directors) for categories aimed at HCPs and at least one agency representative with expertise in developing digital technologies.
Craft awards
All categories within the Craft Section are judged on the creativity, quality and technical skill of the work submitted, rather than ROI. No metrics are required for these entries. In fact this may be a good place to enter work that does not yet have metrics due to its recent release, or for which metrics will not be made available to the agency.
The judging panels will include those with Marketing and Digital roles within Industry as well as Senior Creatives and Digital experts from agencies.
Judging phase 1: Online review
The panel is divided into sub groups according to their expertise and experience and these separate judging panels will review all entries in their relevant categories online.
No one judge reviews more than three separate categories. Last year, 58 judges took part in order to give a range of perspectives.
As some entries are viewed via a URL supplied by entrants during the entry process, please ensure your entries remain online and accessible until after the judging day at the end of July 2022.
The decision of the judges in all matters is final and they reserve the right to suggest moving entries into other categories if appropriate. (you will be informed if this happens) Whole categories may be merged with others or removed altogether (and fees refunded if appropriate) if insufficient entries are received.
Judging phase 2: Judging day
A number of entries from each category will be shortlisted based on online judging. These finalists will be invited to attend online face-to-face judging days on Monday 11 July and Tuesday 12 July. Each entrant will be given 15 minutes – 10 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes for questions from the judges.
For both rounds, your entry will be judged on the judging criteria outlined in each category.
Remember this is your opportunity to showcase your entry. You will need to illustrate a ‘live’ version of your activity/campaign/digital tool/programme as all judges may not have previously seen your entry. If you cannot show a ‘live’ version, you will need to explain the detail and content of your entry. However, do remember that you only have 10 minutes to present to the judges, 15 minutes in total with questions.
We also highly recommend that you invite a client to the final online judging day. Although it does not form part of the judging criteria, it is a powerful way to illustrate the impact of your campaign and demonstrate how it met its objectives.
Digital Project or Account Manager and Agency Digital Team
This award will be judged using 3 different elements. The written entry will be assessed, clients will be contacted (per finalist) and asked to rate their account manager/digital team, and there may be further questions posed to the nominee by email.
Pharma Digital Partner
This award will be judged using several different elements. The written entry will be assessed; the shortlisted nominees will be contacted for further information and, if chosen as finalists, will be interviewed by a judging panel via phone or videoconference.