HCP Education, Training & Support
With grateful thanks to our sponsor
Pain is a burden in society. Our objective was to raise awareness of the burden of untreated pain and through a condition platform, stimulate discussion, provide new learnings, and engage pharmacists with consultation strategies, in order to optimise patient interactions in time-pressured, transactional pharmacy environments.
#ListenToPain launched at the largest pharmacist event in MENA. From the Global Pain Index, 5 patient pain-attitude profiles were established and introduced through symposia and a series of accredited on-demand webinars. The attendance at the stand, the symposia and webinars was unprecedented and through post-learning research, it is estimated 400,00+ patients could benefit weekly.
Judge’s Comments
This really interesting campaign stood head and shoulders above the rest of the entries due to the clearly stated and broken-down objectives alongside effective profiling and hard-hitting, persuasive comms with very good outcomes. The campaign was clearly very successful with impressive metrics; whilst true effectiveness will be demonstrated over time, it shows they are on the right path so far.
We thought this was a nice creative piece highlighting an important subject in a very engaging way, and appreciated the long-term goals and the deep insight that went into creating relevant content for various needs of pharmacists. The creative approach was clean and adaptable across markets and the well-executed channel usage showed a great strategy, plus great connectivity – a worthy award-winner.
Jon Harvey , Director Of Digital Excellence, Cherry Advertising

A year-long hero campaign to promote the use of Flaminal for wounds at all stages of the TIMES wound healing paradigm.
– Simpler TIMES educational campaign, featuring interactive educational tools, a social media campaign, Simpler TIMES printed wheel giveaway and lead generation. Supporting social media strategy, email campaigns and sales team activities.
– Cut the Noise series of educational videos presented by KOLs.
The campaign blended education, best practice, product education and KOL presentations to present the audience with the full benefits of Flaminal over the course of a year. The project saw engagement rates that were up to 170% higher than previous campaigns with this audience, and generated 246% more leads with a £6.67 reduction in the overall cost per lead. Overall campaign reach was 2.6 million.

A comprehensive training programme for the whole pharmacy team to raise awareness of, and fulfil the legal obligation to train them on, the POM to P switch of Gina, and educate about postmenopausal vaginal atrophy.
The programme includes 4 short e-modules to train on the condition, the product, tools to support supply and supply considerations including contraindications. These are supported by bite-sized videos covering Gina and its use, patient testimonies and advice for patient consultations. All training elements are hosted on a central resources page hosted on The Pharmacy Network.
Launch activity included a print mailing of the RMMs and a Pharmacy Team Training Guide and the Pharmacy checklist, along with a sample of the Gina applicator, delivered to every pharmacy in the UK.

Supporting time-poor HCPs with self-directed journeys through credible scientific content, EPG Health developed an independent Learning Zone to address unmet needs and encourage supportive care strategies for cancer patients. The programme engages oncologists with bite-sized content, developed alongside leading experts.
Automated and personalised audience retargeting successfully drove traffic from existing oncology content on Medthority. Triggered pre- and post-learning assessments have recorded meaningful impact, with 85% of HCPs rating their knowledge as ‘high’ or ‘very high’ (compared to 17% beforehand), and 100% confirming intent to change clinical practice following engagement.
The programme was funded by an unrestricted educational grant from Sandoz.

The Merz Aesthetics Digital Academy is a completely free online marketing course for aesthetics practitioners featuring over six hours of video tutorials from digital marketing experts plus personalised consultations to assist practices in building their businesses; including web, social media and automation.
The strategy is unique: aesthetics is an unregulated market with little policing of compliance in marketing, especially in the digital domain. As a leading player, Merz Aesthetics recognises that by improving the quality of marketing, we can help practices improve their business performance, represent our brand effectively, and remain compliant.

The Black Belt Digital series is one of many ways Merz Aesthetics helps practices market their services more effectively. It supports Merz Aesthetics’ fundamental outreach strategy:
– Unlike the rest of pharma, aesthetics treatments must be sold to patients
– The market is fragmented, saturated and competitive
– Many practitioners come from the NHS – marketing is not a core skill
– And Merz Aesthetics is a quality brand; built on clinical evidence – we work only with medical professionals and face competition from qualitatively inferior non-medical practices (who are often better marketers!)
We could spend millions promoting treatment types to consumers and hoping they walk into a Merz clinic. Instead, we’re helping aesthetics healthcare professionals (HCPs) market their businesses more effectively (levelling the playing field against inferior providers); making them better at selling our services, delivering a better quality of service and care, and developing our brand alongside their own as quality providers.

Atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is an ultra-rare condition that can be life-threatening when not recognised or treated properly. Increasing HCP awareness and ability to recognise and manage the secondary causes that trigger or unmask the condition is key to making an impact for patients.
A dedicated cross-disciplinary group, expert-led clinical case discussion and support, as well as omnichannel promotion hit the sweet spot in delivering effective education. The program reached over 83,400 specialist HCPs, achieving over 16,800 engagements. 75% of participants reported that the education enabled them to make changes to improve patient care.