Who can enter?
Entries for these awards may be submitted by any UK, European or International:
• Digital communications agency
• PR/medical education/communications/marketing communications/market access, advertising or creative agency
• Pharmaceutical company, biotech or life sciences company
• Patient or professional association or body
• Healthcare charity
• NHS Group
• Technology or software company operating in the healthcare space
• Other healthcare company or agency
Effectiveness and Craft Awards
Tuesday 31 March 2020 to Tuesday 6 April 2021 – Entries must have been active, online or in use at some stage between this date range
Thursday 9 March 2018 to Tuesday 6 April 2021 – Long Term Campaign (Still working!) (3 years) and Friday 8 March 2019 – Tuesday 6 April 2021 for Building Digital Communities (2 years)
People Awards
Entrants need to give examples of work carried out between March 2020 and June 2021.
Language and markets
Programmes or campaigns aimed exclusively at overseas markets only (i.e. non-UK) must be supplied in an English language version with relevant metrics / performance indicators. They will be judged in exactly the same way as UK programmes.
All entries, where applicable, must comply with the ABPI Code of Practice or, for overseas material, the appropriate national or regional code.
Campaign extensions (or entering projects that have been entered before)
Entries which are extensions of a previously entered campaign must, in the opinion of the judges, be noticeably different from previous executions.
The exception is that an entry made last year into Still Working can be entered again into the equivalent category this year (Long term campaign) as long as there is new data to represent the extension of the campaign over the last 12 months.
Entries into the new Building Communities category can also be projects or campaigns entered last year (into any category) as this is a new category and as such is looking at components of the project previously not considered.
An entry previously submitted into a craft award (but not into an effectiveness award) may be entered this year into an effectiveness award if the eligibility dates still apply and the entry now has relevant effectiveness data. It may not be entered into a craft award unless it’s a campaign extension, which is noticeably different from previous executions.
Number of categories you can enter
Each project may be entered into a maximum of TWO CRAFT and TWO EFFECTIVENESS categories PLUS The Markify HCP Behavioural Science Award (making a maximum of 5 if the Markify award option is taken)