Click here to view the slides from our webinar where we talked through categories, criteria, help with your entry and sponsorship opportunities!
A few questions we received during the webinar.
Q – Can I enter a campaign in more than one category?
A – Across all categories, the number of entries that feature the same creative concept/image is limited to FOUR, including FOC categories.
Q- I entered the PM Society Digital Awards 2023, can I enter this campaign into the PM Society Awards 2024?
A – Yes these are two separate awards and it maybe useful to know that the criteria for the PM Society Awards focus on creativity, where as the PM Society Digital awards focus on effectiveness. The judges are different for each awards.
Q – Can you confirm the eligibility dates?
A – Entries must have been active, online or in use at some stage between the 18th October 2022 and 17th October 2023.
Material entered into the PM Society Awards 2023 will NOT be accepted unless forming a small part of a new campaign. The exception to this is The Creative Impact award.
Q – In order to satisfy my client, I need to confirm where the entry will appear.
A – Initially, your entry will go through a verification process, viewed by the Awards team only.
At the judging stage, all submitted material will be viewed by the judges who are required to sign an NDA before being allowed access to the judging site.
If you are through to the finalist stages we will contact you for approval and/or edits of your original submission which is suitable for the awards ceremony, exhibition and our online results brochure.
We will confirm with you at every step to ensure you and your client are happy with what is shown and where.