Explore the skills and knowledge needed to effectively integrate SEO into medical writing through this Word Monster workshop.

A deep dive into the world of search, and the value of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in crafting powerful digital healthcare copy.

What will be covered?

Participants will learn about SEO-specific strategy, research, copy development, and analytics, to ensure maximum reach and impact on the target audience.

Who is it for?

  • Medical writers of all levels who are working on, or who wish to gain experience in, web-based digital projects.
  • Healthcare communications agencies and pharmaceutical companies looking to gain valuable SEO insights for their medical writing team through our private training option.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand SEO and user-intent in the development of websites in the healthcare and pharma industries
  • Develop key SEO skills needed to craft high-impact website copy, including on-page and technical SEO
  • Conduct ‘keyword research’ and incorporate findings into SEO-driven content, structure, and website copy development
  • Have a go at using data analytics tools (e.g., GA4) and then interpret data to inform copy development and monitor ongoing performance

Suitability and delivery method

1-day virtual workshop for medical writers of all levels working on, or who wish to gain experience in, web-based digital projects.

A mix of teacher-led training, interactive activities, peer-to-peer feedback and self-directed learning.

Delivered as a public course, or via exclusive private training for healthcare communications agencies or pharmaceutical companies for their in-house writers.

Upcoming dates

October 17th
Location: Virtual event

Register now

We also offer bespoke training for in-house or larger groups. To find out more on this and get a quote, please get in touch with alexandra.moore@pmsociety.org.uk


Medical writers of all levels and Healthcare communications agencies and pharmaceutical companies looking to gain valuable SEO insights for their medical writing team through our private training option.


1-day public workshop or on-demand training.


The Monster Academy, powered by Word Monster.