Why promote Marketing Leadership?

Because marketing, is the fundamental premise of the Pharmaceutical Marketing Society


  1. To promote marketing leadership, as progressive & part of enabling innovative business growth
  2. Encourage marketers in pharma who have great ideas and capabilities – but need to hone and develop leadership skills
  3. Promote and enable marketing leaders in pharma to:
  • Stay current
  • Challenge norms, push boundaries, shape culture, change habits and behaviours
  • Make an impact
  1. To enable access to learning, insight, people
  2. Share best practice & learnings from other sectors (in key disciplines) by inviting leaders to share examples and insights


The 2024 programme will initially focus on:

  • a series 4-5 insightful fireside chats with marketing leaders and innovators from other sectors sharing examples of innovations and thoughts on how pharma adapt
  • plus, a new PM Society Marketing Leadership Fellowship Award programme, with the award of 2 Fellowships annually


If you would like to know more, or have ideas for interesting marketing leaders as speakers, from other sectors – please contact Simon Grime at contact@pmsociety.org.uk.


Latest articles

PM Society Announcement - Marketing Leadership Programme

The PM Society is delighted to announce a new programme of activity to promote marketing leadership in the industry.

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