Product Promotion (Single Piece)

With grateful thanks to our sponsor

Gold: Under a Rock for AstraZeneca by 21GRAMS, part of Real Chemistry

This film is an original story about healthcare professionals who are (unknowingly) stuck in the past. Still using treatments from the 1960s to manage hyperkalaemia while being unaware of a modern medicine, because they’ve been living under a rock. Literally.

We follow the nurse, meet the characters and get a sense of their personalities. This helps heighten the tension of the quaking—done practically. The camera follows the pea, leading us to the hole. Finally, it shows us the vast world of possibilities that await us, in a single, simple, cinematic wide shot.


Judges Comments

Coming from an extremely brave conception for a difficult brief—telling doctors that their practice of medicine may be outdated—this film was magnificently executed.

The judges really enjoyed seeing something so refreshing that cut though what was expected. The film’s set up as a 60’s period piece was enchanting to watch, with judges loving the connection of past to present, as well as the utterly charming storytelling throughout, all the way down to the little pea. It was perfectly put together with a brilliant soundtrack, styling and camerawork, delivering a riveting cinematic experience that built the anticipation and tension, making the viewer badly want to see what was going to happen.

From an incredibly creative campaign idea, the concept of the film brilliantly communicated the underlying message, for HCPs to seek out new knowledge, without being pushy or patronising. The payoff made the message of the film one that would be taken away to drive this action. Well done on a great piece of work.

Sam Wright, Swordfish Advertising

Silver: Ready When Sparks Fly – Elevator for Aspargo Labs by IPG Health Germany


25 years ago, Viagra fixed erectile dysfunction. Except it didn’t, really.

An hour’s wait for Viagra to work, even longer if you’ve eaten, means sex ends up more about planning and less about passion.


Hezkue puts the active ingredient in Viagra into a spray. So it gets to work in minutes. Making getting hard, easy.

The campaign showed HCPs that when their patients are feeling the electricity and the sparks are flying, only Hezkue lets them make the passion happen.

No planning, no scheduling—when the sparks fly, their patients are ready.

Silver: Judgy for AstraZeneca by 21GRAMS, part of Real Chemistry

“Judgy” is a one-word summary of the film. Highlighting the underbelly of being human: our shared reflex of passing judgment on each other.

As the film opens, there’s a well-dressed man on his way to work (later revealed to be a doctor). He passes a smoker trying to hide his cigarette (later revealed to be a patient). The narrative kicks in. “It’s hard not to be judgy sometimes.” We see various scenes that are all too familiar in our judgment world.

Finally, the VO is delivered breathlessly, by a man with severe COPD.

Bronze: Slow and Steady Gets It Done for Sandoz by FCB Health London, an IPG Health Company

To educate patients and pharmacists on the importance of patience and perseverance in nail treatment, we needed a friendly face. So, we enlisted the help of an animal with prominent nails and a famously slow-paced approach to life: a tortoise. Named Ted.

Starring in his own animated campaign inspired by the classic tale of “The Tortoise and the Hare” he reminded our audience that in the race to get clear nails, we all need to take treatment slow and steady.

Finalist: Adapt at Your Rhythm for Elekta by Langland

The adoption of new radiotherapy techniques faces barriers as physicians are fatigued by incremental technological advances and overwhelmed by pressure to keep up. When launching Elekta Evo, the first linear accelerator (LINAC) to offer a full spectrum of radiotherapy options, we needed to help them see past complexity and appreciate how having more options puts them back in control.

As a simple metaphor for how Elekta Evo helps physicians control the pace of progress, “Adapt at Your Rhythm” uses a multi-genre musical performance and a disappearing drumkit in a beautifully crafted campaign with exceptional cut-through and impact.

Finalist: The Sleep Thief – Removing Barriers by Flynn Pharma for Life Healthcare Communications


Inadequate sleep is a huge problem for children with autism. It reduces their ability to function, disrupts their lives and causes behavioural problems.

Slenyto is a prolonged-release melatonin that improves daytime behaviour by helping children with autism—and their families—sleep through the night.


By creating a cute, but very irritating monster, we brought to life just how tough sleep disturbances can be for autistic children, without demonising the condition itself.


Our third press ad focused on how the Sleep Thief causes havoc for children and their caregivers during the day, by keeping them up at night.

Finalist: Unspoken for GSK by McCann Health London, an IPG Health Company

Vaccine hesitancy pressures doctors to communicate effectively with parents, yet 57% feel uncomfortable discussing immunisation. Since 90% of communication is non-verbal, body language is key to bridging this gap.

Rotarix created UNSPOKEN, a campaign developed with body language expert Prof. Harry Witchel. It identified 20 key non-verbal signals across four scenarios—Worried, Overwhelmed, Overconfident and Distracted—offering doctors actionable strategies.

By equipping healthcare professionals with these tools, Rotarix empowered them to navigate tough conversations, build trust, and ensure a healthier future for babies through improved vaccination communication.

Finalist: The Difference Is Clear for Norgine by Verve

In a market saturated with bowel preparation products, our client challenged us to make PLENVU stand out as the superior choice. Within Colonoscopy, best outcomes are always when patients require a single colonoscopy. Having multiple colonoscopies can be dangerous, so bowel cleansing in preparation is as important as the procedure itself.

“When it comes to high-quality bowel cleansing, the difference is clear” emphasises the quality of bowel cleansing, vital for detecting polyps and tumours, and establishes PLENVU as the leader. Our simple, yet impactful, combination draws colonoscopists’ attention to PLENVU’s high-quality cleansing, aligning with the clarity they value in practice.