Disease Awareness: Public/Patients

With grateful thanks to our sponsor

Gold: Break Free From Plans to Pee for Astellas Pharma by Anthem Public Relations and The Good Ideas Group

Overactive bladder (OAB) affects around 12% of the UK population.

While the condition is common, a lot of patients aren’t seeking help. There are multiple reasons why: the belief OAB is a natural consequence of ageing, failure to spot the signs and becoming accustomed to simply “coping”, as well as embarrassment.

We created a campaign to reveal the everyday adaptions people were making to “cope”, boost recognition of OAB symptoms, and ultimately empower patients to seek help.

Tactics included a hero film, partnering with Instagram influencers, alongside Google (search and display) ads, META posts and ALL4 “out of home” placements.


Judges Comments

“Break Free From Plans to Pee” is a film that impressively strikes a balance between humour and illustration of the burden of OAB, has lovely details and really sticks to mind. The storytelling feels effortless and made all the better by having no voiceover. As part of a full package of materials available on a website providing information and tools, the film sensitively conveys an important message and motivates affected people to take action.

Judges loved this film and the refreshing combination of appropriate humour with realism and visual metaphor—in a way that both engages and educates on what is often a taboo medical condition—saying, “Not only is it a fun film that makes it easy to discuss an embarrassing subject, but it also employs a brilliant analogy that helps you understand the issue and feel the burden a person goes through.”

Nanda Marth, Saatchi & Saatchi

Silver: See My Pain for Reckitt by McCann London, McCann Health London, an IPG Health Company with Golin.

1 in 2 women have had their pain ignored or dismissed.

The Gender Pain Gap is a health crisis for women. To make women’s pain impossible to ignore, we commissioned a Gender Pain Gap report.

Through an integrated campaign, we shone a light on the scale of the problem and empowered more women to share their experiences. And a new product range highlighted real dismissals that women receive. Also, Nurofen launched a series of industry-first commitments including pioneering gender balance in clinical trials and gender bias training.

650% Increase in POSITIVE brand SENTIMENT
2.3K HCPs engaged on social

Silver: Love Doesn't Take a Break for Teva Pharmaceuticals by VCCP Health

Across the globe, one in five are unpaid caregivers. Although it affects so many, it’s a role that remains unacknowledged beyond those with direct experience. As part of their ambition to go “beyond the pill”, Teva has made it their mission to change this.

At the heart of the campaign is a film, which follows our protagonist as she navigates her day: not only supporting her elderly father, but also looking after young children and managing a hairdresser. We are taken on an emotional rollercoaster, from visceral exhaustion to beautiful, joyful moments, ending with a poignant reminder that “love doesn’t take a break”. The voiceover—by Hollywood actor John Rhys-Davies—strikes a tender chord, drawn from the actor’s experience caring for his wife.

Bronze: Picture the Days Ahead for Sandoz by FCB Health Europe, an IPG Health Company

Thanks to advances in treatment, a diagnosis of myeloma is no longer the imminent, inevitable death sentence it once was. But, as a patient, you hear the word “cancer” and it still feels like the end.

We used date stamps to create a series of typographic artworks, made up of dates across a 5-year period—the average survival of patients with myeloma—which is much longer than patients may expect when they first hear their diagnosis.

The artworks became posters and patient materials, allowing patients to picture the days ahead, and all the life those days could add up to.

Finalist: It Could Be EoE for Sanofi and Regeneron by Havas Lynx

People with undiagnosed eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) are desperate for answers. They dread eating because inflammation in their oesophagus makes a bite of food feel like a whole meal.

We’re here to change that.

With a truly visceral campaign designed for maximum impact, we use provocative visuals to get undiagnosed people to recognise their symptoms and think: it could be EoE.

Finalist: Toys vs. RSV for Sanofi by Havas Lynx

Most parents have never heard of RSV.

So, to spread awareness of the disease in a gentle way, we created “Toys vs. RSV”—a heartfelt stop-motion film that warns parents about the dangers of RSV disease, using children’s best friends: toys.

Finalist: Benji the Bear: Transforming Treatment Accessibility for Sialorrhoea for Clinigen by Onyx Health

The “This is Sialorrhoea” campaign, featuring Benji the Bear, addresses awareness gaps and treatment accessibility in paediatric sialorrhoea, a frequently overlooked neurological disorder.

Benji, the animated character, serves as a warm focal point, connecting with families through a vibrant, multilingual campaign. The user-friendly website, impactful animation, and strategic SEO deepen the link between the condition, patients, and caregivers.

Meticulously executed, the campaign ensures widespread accessibility, offering freely available resources. Children across Europe can now discover suitable treatment solutions for their unique needs, marking a transformative leap in addressing paediatric neurological sialorrhoea.