Best Use of Insight

With grateful thanks to our sponsor

Gold: See My Pain for Reckitt by McCann London, McCann Health London, an IPG Health Company with Golin.

1 in 2 women have had their pain ignored or dismissed.

The Gender Pain Gap is a health crisis for women. To make women’s pain impossible to ignore, we commissioned a Gender Pain Gap report.

Through an integrated campaign, we shone a light on the scale of the problem and empowered more women to share their experiences. And a new product range highlighted real dismissals that women receive. Also, Nurofen launched a series of industry-first commitments including pioneering gender balance in clinical trials and gender bias training.

650% Increase in POSITIVE brand SENTIMENT
2.3K HCPs engaged on social


Judges Comments

A bold, single-minded approach to address the gender divide was born of a deep, highly impactful insight about women’s pain being ignored in the healthcare system, and pain research only being done on men. It led the team to the idea of commissioning the Gender Pain Gap report in partnership with Guardian Labs— an annual report that will help to hold the industry to account and make this health inequality more visible. In addition, a platform whereby patients tell their stories in their own words is breathing life into those statistics, making them more human, emotive and impactful.

This campaign calls out key data about the Gender Pain Gap, highlighting the scale of the problem of women having their pain dismissed or overlooked. The Gender Pain Gap report with its “dismissal product labels” was a genius idea executed beautifully, delivering a clear human insight. The simple concept struck a chord and organically grew with media coverage, providing an avenue for voices to be heard—plus a network of connections and awareness—that have successfully brought this problem into focus.

Zuleika Burnett, Havas Life Medicom

Silver: Love Doesn't Take a Break for Teva Pharmaceuticals by VCCP Health

Across the globe, one in five are unpaid caregivers. Although it affects so many, it’s a role that remains unacknowledged beyond those with direct experience. As part of their ambition to go “beyond the pill”, Teva has made it their mission to change this.

At the heart of the campaign is a film, which follows our protagonist as she navigates her day: not only supporting her elderly father, but also looking after young children and managing a hairdresser. We are taken on an emotional rollercoaster, from visceral exhaustion to beautiful, joyful moments, ending with a poignant reminder that “love doesn’t take a break”. The voiceover—by Hollywood actor John Rhys-Davies—strikes a tender chord, drawn from the actor’s experience caring for his wife.

Bronze: Mapping the Tumor 2.0 for AstraZeneca & Merck by Havas Lynx

In oncology, the number of biomarker-driven treatment decisions is fast growing and becoming increasingly important as new allied treatment options become available. Helping HCPs navigate the new data and changing landscape is critical for better outcomes.

In 2021 there were over 17 updates to clinical guidelines for breast, prostate and ovarian cancer. Oncologists would need to read around 178 articles daily to keep up. With best practice always changing, time-poor HCPs face information overload.

To address this challenge, we distilled the data into a visually appealing metaphor, using tumour mapping as a way to understand disease management and treatment options.

Finalist: The Cure Cup for Moons by 21GRAMS, part of Real Chemistry

We specially crafted a lid that turns a traditional menstrual cup into a stem cell preservation device.

Using biomedical principles of clinically proven preservation vials, The Cure Cup re-positions period blood from a shameful waste product into an invaluable research resource.

The Cure Cup does more than address a key barrier to the advancement of medicine by challenging period stigma. It also improves health outcomes for menstruators by increasing their representation in research.

The Cure Cup is opening the door to the future of health.

Finalist: Picture the Days Ahead for Sandoz by FCB Health Europe, an IPG Health Company

Thanks to advances in treatment, a diagnosis of myeloma is no longer the imminent, inevitable death sentence it once was. But, as a patient, hearing the word “cancer” still feels like the end.

We used date stamps to create a series of typographic artworks, made up of dates across a 5-year period—the average survival of patients with myeloma—which is longer than patients may expect when they first hear their diagnosis.

The artworks became posters and patient materials, helping patients picture the days they still had ahead, and all the life those days could add up to.

Finalist: JUST: More Than a Word, It's a Sentence to Women by Frontera Group

The gender health gap persists, with women facing longer diagnosis delays and subpar treatment outcomes.

Our mission: capture women’s experiences, uncover delay drivers and devise effective interventions. Informed by comprehensive research, including interviews, surveys and workshops, we decoded underlying behaviors with TDF and COM-B tools. Insight revealed a common denominator: the word “JUST” in consultations, perpetuating delays and discrimination.

Our proposition: “JUST” is more than a word—it’s a sentence to women.

By addressing biases, we aim to empower women and bridge the gap to equitable healthcare.

Finalist: "These Are the Bones…" for Accord Healthcare for woolleypau

Our task was to create a distinctive core campaign for one of several biosimilars of the osteoporosis treatment, teriparatide.

To differentiate our brand, we focused on the injection device. With several thoughtful features, it has been designed to help elderly patients treat themselves independently. The challenge was to take that benefit and make it mean something. We decided to throw away the “little old lady” stereotype and disrupt the way people think about osteoporosis patients. They may be physically frail, but they have more enduring kinds of strength.

These are people with unique stories to tell. Our campaign celebrates those stories.