PM Society Awards 2025

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of the PM Society Awards 2025

The PM Society Awards have been developed by The Pharmaceutical Marketing Society, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 8120655 and registered office address is Sterling House, 27 Hatchlands Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6RW (The Organiser).

These are the terms and conditions (Terms) subject to which an Entry (defined below) to the Awards (defined below) is permitted.  All communication in relation to the Awards and these Terms shall be by email.

In these Terms, unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions apply:

Attendee means an individual or group that attends the Award Ceremony
Awards means The PM Society Awards 2025
Award Ceremony means the ceremony on 14 March 2025 during which Award Winners will be announced
Award Finalists means the Entrants who are shortlisted by the Judges for their category Award Winner means the winner of the Award
Entrant or You means the person or organisation that submits an Entry for the Awards
Entry means the submission for the Awards by the Entrant and Entries will be interpreted accordingly
Entry Requirements means the Organiser’s requirements for entry as published on its Website as defined below
Judge means a person appointed as part of the panel assessing and making award(s)
Tickets means an individual seat or table booked at the Award Ceremony
Venue means the venue where the Awards Ceremony takes place.

  1.     General
    1.1          Entrants to the Awards and the Attendees will be deemed to have read and understood the Terms, which are available via the Website and agree to be bound by them.
    1.2          The Award recognises the best in creativity, impact and innovation across communications within the healthcare industry) and are open to all healthcare businesses worldwide.
    1.3          Application for the Awards must be submitted online through our Website. Hard copies will not be accepted.
    1.4          To begin the process, the Entrant is required to follow the Organiser’s step by step process, completing the relevant information necessary for Entry to the Awards as provided on the Website.
    1.5          Amendments cannot be made once an Entry has been submitted. If the Entrant has any concerns regarding the information submitted, they should contact the Organiser directly.
    1.6          The Organiser does not accept any responsibility for Entries that are lost, damaged or delayed due to technical errors. For the avoidance of doubt, proof of transmission of a lost or delayed Entry for the Awards will not be accepted as a valid or alternative Entry.  The Organiser will email a receipt of all successfully logged Entries.
    1.7          The Organiser reserves the right to reject any Entry in its sole discretion and will reject incomplete Entries.
    1.8          It is the Entrant’s responsibility to ensure that they satisfy all Entry criteria as outlined on the online entry form for the relevant category before submitting their Entry into the Awards, any failure to do so will result in the Entry being rejected.

1.9       Across all categories, the number of entries that feature the same creative concept/image is limited to FOUR, including FOC categories.

1.10      The Organiser reserves the right to audit any information supplied and automatically disqualify any Entries from the Awards that include false or misleading information.
1.11      Entries must be submitted by the final deadline 28 November 2024 at midnight (UK).
1.12      Any Entries received after this time may not be entered into the Awards.

1.13     It is the responsibility of the entrant to obtain client approval prior to submission.

1.14     All supporting documents are loaded via the website entry form to the organisers Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), these are then protected by Amazon’s robust security measures.

1.15     Supporting documents are for judging purposes only.


  1.  Categories
    2.1         Nominations are open in the following categories:
    Product Promotion (single piece)Product Brand CampaignExternal Communications Campaign for a Pharma or Healthcare Organisation

    Charity or Patient Organisation including Pro-Bono

    Internal Communications Campaign for a Pharma or Healthcare Organisation

    Best Creative Medical Education Programme or Campaign

    Meetings, Events and Exhibitions

    Disease and/or Health Awareness: Public or Patients

    Disease and/or Health Awareness: HCPs

    Patient Support

    Best Use of Insight

    Agency Self-Promotion and Internal Communication

    Diversity and Inclusion in Creative Communications

    Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

    Film Craft – NEW

    Design Craft – NEW

    Creative Champion – NEW

    Agency Champion

    Pharma Marketing Pioneer

    Agency of the Year (headcount under 30) – NEW

    Agency of the Year (headcount over 30) – NEW

2.2          Categories shall be judged by the panel of Judges in accordance with clause 4 below.
2.3          Should a category listed in 2.1 not receive sufficient entries, it will be withdrawn from the Awards Ceremony and all Entrants in this category will be notified in writing.

  1.     Sponsorship

3.1      Sponsorship categories are not confirmed until this signed contract has been acknowledged and received by The PM Society

3.2     Payment is due 30 days of receipt of invoice.

3.3      All payments to be made by BACS. Unless otherwise agreed.

3.4      The PM Society reserves the right to cancel the event at any time in which case any payments made by you will be refunded in full.

3.5         Cancellation by the sponsor must be made within 14 days of signature. After this point the full sum of the contract will be payable.

3.6        Should the event be postponed or moved to a virtual event, due to unforseen circumstances, the PM Society will move your sponsorship to the new scheduled date .

3.7 As a sponsor, you confirm to meet all artwork deadlines

  • If your sponsorship video or other material contains any reference to or client work, please note it is your responsibility to obtain client approval for use.
  • The online brochure will be available on the PM Society website indefinitely. If you prefer to supply 2 or 3 screen shots/visuals instead of a video for this please flag this to us on submission.
  • We will not be promoting the content, purely showing the creative work

3.8         For further information in respect to our use of personal data please see our Privacy Policy,

  1.     Judging

4.1          By entering the Awards, the Entrants agree to allow the details of their Entry to be shared with the Judges and the Organiser and any third parties associated with the Awards.
4.2          The entries will be judged by panel of selected Judges appointed by the Organiser.
4.3          Name and company of the Judges will be made available to the public on the Website after the second round of judging.
4.4          The Organiser will organise, select and manage the Judges, who will be instructed to act without bias.

4.5       All judges are required to sign and NDA before the organiser will allow access to the entries.
4.6      The Judges will declare any conflict of interests to the Organisers ahead of reading any Entries.
4.7      All judging discussions are confidential and will not be shared or discussed with anyone outside the judging panel ahead of the Award Ceremony of thereafter.
4.8          The Judges’ decision is final. No correspondence or discussion will be entered into or feedback given regarding the selection of Award Finalists or Award Winners and there shall be no appeal process.
4.9          A shortlist will be made in each category from the first round of online judging and the Judges will select Award Finalists from each category against the criteria set out on the Website in the second round of face to face judging.
4.10        The Award Finalists will be notified in writing by email and/or Website on the shortlist announcement date.
4.11       The Award Winners will be notified at the Award Ceremony or in any other means e.g. virtually if it is necessary.
4.12       There will be one Award Winner in each category.


  1. Award and Award Ceremony
    5.1          Attendees must comply with the rules and regulations governing the Venue and the dress code.

5.2          All attendees must be at least 18 years of age at the date of the Awards Ceremony.
5.3          The Organiser is not responsible for any offence caused by any presenter or any acts or entertainment at the Awards Ceremony.
5.4          Attendees are required to make their own arrangements for transport to the Venue and the organiser shall not be responsible for any inability to attend due to failure of transport.

5.5         The entrant will supply a 30 second video or equivalent images for the exhibition of work at the awards ceremony.

5.7       Finalists videos are shown at the awards ceremony, the organiser will contact all finalist for approval of these videos pre-show. All client approval of use lies with the Entrant.

5.8       The PM Awards 2025 online results brochure is held on the PM Society’s website and is only accessible via our website.

5.9       All promotion for our online results brochure is linked via our website and all content will be protected by a PM Society member pop up validation.

5.10      The Award Winners will be presented with a trophy at the Awards Ceremony.
5.11      Once presented with the trophy, the Award Winners become responsible for the trophy from thereon.
5.12      The Organiser will not cover any costs due to damage or trophy being lost or stolen after the Award Ceremony.
5.13      No cash alternative will be provided.
5.14      If You are an Award Winner but do not attend the Award Ceremony and would like to receive your trophy, You shall remain responsible for the delivery charge of the trophy.
5.15      The Award Winners may publicise their award provided that the year in which it was won is stated.

  1.   Attendance at the Award Ceremony
    6.1          If there are any specific requirements due to disability, food allergies or for any other reason please email as soon as possible, and in any event no later than 10 days before the Award Ceremony.
    6.2          The Attendees are personally responsible for their personal arrangements and expenses including travel, hospitality and accommodation relating to the Awards Ceremony.
    6.3          If any of the Attendees is using car parking facilities at the Venue, the Attendees do this entirely at their own risk and in accordance with the Venue’s own terms.
    6.4          The Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to the Award Ceremony and/or remove from the Venue any Attendees, whose conduct is likely affect other Attendees and their enjoyment of the Award Ceremony  and/or, in Our reasonable opinion are acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and/or who use threatening, abusive and insulting words or behaviour towards Us or other Attendees.
  2.       Limitation of Liability and Cancellations
    7.1          The Organiser does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property at the Award Ceremony.
    7.2          The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or move the Awards Ceremony to another Venue or to change any other aspect of the Awards Ceremony at its sole discretion and the Attendees shall be notified in writing promptly.
  3.    Non Attendance
    8.1          If any Attendee is not able to attend the Awards Ceremony, the Organiser may allow a substitute Attendee at its discretion and provided that such request is made no later than 72 hours prior to the Awards Ceremony. Any such request must be made to with details of the Attendee who will not be able to attend, and the full name of the substitute, including job title and their contact details.
  4.     Ticket Booking
    9.1          Tickets for the Award Ceremony are available for purchase (subject to availability) from the Organiser on our Website.
    9.2          On receipt of a Ticket request, the Organiser will confirm acceptance by email. If an Attendee does not obtain such a receipt within 5 working days, it is the Attendee’s responsibility to contact the Organiser.
    9.3          By purchasing the Ticket, the Attendee agrees to provide the Organiser with the information requested.
    9.4          The fees and options payable for the Tickets are displayed on our website.
    9.5          Payment can be made by debit card/credit card at the time of the booking, otherwise the Organiser will provide an invoice which must be paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice.
    9.6          The Ticket includes Entry to the Award Ceremony and a three-course meal with half a bottle of wine.
    9.7          Tickets are non-refundable in all circumstances except cancellation of the Award Ceremony by the Organiser (and not a rescheduling only).
  5.    Exclusion of Liability
    10.1       The Organiser excludes all liability whatsoever for any costs, expenses, losses, damages, liabilities, injury or disappointment, including any loss of profit, business, contact, revenues or anticipated savings and whether direct, indirect, special or consequential suffered by You howsoever arising.
    10.2       The Organiser excludes all liability whatsoever for any technical failure or any other problem with any online system, server or otherwise which may result in a vote being lost or not properly registered or recorded.
    10.3       The Organiser reserves the right to cancel or amend the Awards and these Terms at any time.
  6.      Video and Photography
    11.1       Official event photographers will be taking photographs and filming videos during the Award Ceremony.
    11.2       Attendees consent to such photography and filming without compensation and confirm that the Organiser shall be entitled to use such photographs and videos, which may include the videos and photographs of the Attendees, for the purpose of marketing events in the future.
    11.3 No video footage can be taken at the event without prior agreement by the Organisers. Any still photos taken at the event and used in social media need to be compliant with ABPI regulations (ie if any visuals show work submitted, there should be no product names or company names visible.)
  7.      Status of the Parties
    12.1       Nothing in these Terms shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership or joint venture or relationship of employer or employee or principal and agent between the parties.
  8.     Entire Agreement
    13.1       These Terms sets out the entire understanding of the parties in relation to its subject matter and supersedes any prior understanding or agreement between the parties. Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit any liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
  9.    Third Party Rights
    14.1       Unless expressly stated, no provision of these Terms is enforceable by, or intended to benefit, any person who is not party to these Terms.
  10.     Force Majeure
    15.1       We shall have no liability to You under these Terms if we are prevented from or delayed in performing Our obligations under these Terms by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes, failure or forced cessation of a utility service or transport or telecommunications network, act of God, pandemic, epidemic, diseases, action by government, government war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or sub-contractors.
  11.         Governing Law
    16.1       These Terms shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.