Pharma Marketing Pioneer

With grateful thanks to our sponsor

Winner Mark Harrison, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, nominated by Camino Communications

Judges Comments

Not many people have been able to take an overused, misunderstood and often scary concept and used it to deliver real outcomes for the business. Mark has shown a pioneering spirit and great agility in an area that Pharma is getting to grips with; generative AI.

Mark recognised the possibilities offered by generative AI and embraced innovation by incorporating it into marketing workflows, including content development. He did this by engaging senior sponsorship and identifying early adopters, who were keen to discover the efficiencies and significant cost savings that AI can provide. Many companies are talking about this and investing, but what made Mark stand out, is that he didn’t wait for this to be put in place—he worked with the right people and got it done. Mark brought his key sponsors on the journey to help ensure the project progressed, while maintaining the human element of communications. There is more to do, but what Mark has achieved in the last 12 months is a very strong start.

Mark’s case is a truly inspiring one—by taking the step into AI in our industry, which tends to be very risk-averse, he has put Jazz in a positive position to realise the benefits of generative AI without sacrificing quality.

Sarah Woozley, Idorsia Pharmaceuticals


Winner: David Lyons, Chiesi, nominated by Twist Health

Judges Comments

David has championed patient centricity for the past few years, shifting mindsets from brand to patient first.

He has demonstrated determination and genuine patient focus by leading a cultural change and embedding within the organisation, the human impact of disease areas that are widely known, but the impact of which are hugely underestimated—and did so in a time when face-to-face engagement was challenging and whilst defining his own role. David showed tenacity and resilience in the change management approach applied and made course corrections as needed to keep his goal firmly in sight. He discovered smaller nudges were most successful in changing mindsets, as opposed to larger changes in one go!

David has a lot of passion for an area that Pharma is still focusing on and has put Chiesi in a good position to compete effectively, starting with the patient. With unwavering dedication to integrating the patient voice throughout Chiesi, David has spearheaded groundbreaking projects that have significantly improved patient care and innovatively challenged the industry’s approach to patient-centric initiatives.

Leading from the front in adapting the philosophy, mindset and strategic approach of a whole company is truly pioneering!

Dr Amina Udechuku, Takeda