Product Brand Campaign

With grateful thanks to our sponsor

Gold: Sonic DL™ Life-Speed Imaging for GE HealthCare by Langland

An eye-catching launch campaign based around a unique product demo, produced through a never-before-seen combination of projection mapping, medical scans and real-time motion capture tracking.

MRIs can be distorted by movement, but new AI technology makes scanning so quick that motion is no longer a problem. The production used a dance performance and generative animation to showcase the technical achievement of life-speed imaging.


Judges Comments

The “Sonic DL™ Life-Speed Imaging” campaign cleverly leverages the challenges of traditional MRIs, while highlighting the benefits of Sonic DL™ in a way that resonates with radiologists. The execution is excellent. Cutting-edge tech combined with beautiful imagery, striking colours and intelligent content makes this high-quality, innovative, and cool.

Judges determined this memorable campaign to be a gold-winning example of creativity, conveying both a smartness and human touch, to push the boundaries in pharma marketing. They loved the slick, dynamic and energetic feel. Using dance to represent the product benefit, combined with the bold design elements, makes this campaign unforgettable.

Fiona Edwards, Skin + Blister

Silver: "These Are the Bones..." for Accord Healthcare by woolleypau

Our task was to create a distinctive core campaign for one of several biosimilars of the osteoporosis treatment, teriparatide.

To differentiate our brand, we focused on the injection device. With several thoughtful features, it has been designed to help elderly patients treat themselves independently. The challenge was to take that benefit and make it mean something. We decided to throw away the “little old lady” stereotype and disrupt the way people think about osteoporosis patients. They may be physically frail, but they have more enduring kinds of strength.

These are people with unique stories to tell. Our campaign celebrates those stories.

Bronze: Sativex® – Little Victories for Jazz Pharmaceuticals by MJL


Spasticity is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) that devastates patients’ lives. Muscle stiffness and spasms turn everyday tasks into huge challenges.

Patient insights revealed that what mattered most to them was the present, like being able to dress or shop independently. Sativex makes this possible because it can quickly reduce spasticity severity.


The “Little Victories” campaign was born. Little by little, Sativex enables tangible goals to be reached. Cue Sheryl, a remarkable lady with a remarkable life.

Our campaign shows Sheryl enjoying her own little—and in some cases not so little—victories.

Finalist: The Same for Janssen by 21GRAMS, part of Real Chemistry

Men with rare BRCA-driven prostate cancer face more aggressive disease than men with standard prostate cancer.

When BRCA alterations are discovered, doctors can prescribe a treatment that has been specifically designed to treat exactly what is driving their patients’ cancer. Treatments that are tailored to BRCA alterations lead to better outcomes. Unfortunately, doctors do not regularly test their patients for BRCA, which leaves patients unidentified.

With this campaign, we are challenging doctors to recognise that their patients with prostate cancer are not all the same. BRCA+ prostate cancer patients are walking among us, just waiting to be revealed.

Finalist: The Elephant in the Room for Jazz Pharmaceuticals by ConcentricLife

Research shows HCPs who treat narcolepsy are aware that traditional oxybate medications contain an excessive amount of sodium, but they are not thinking about the associated risk. Because people with narcolepsy are at a 2x greater risk of heart disease, a burden like this is too big to ignore.

“The Elephant in the Room” calls on HCPs to acknowledge the dangers of high sodium and talk to their patients about a low sodium alternative.

Finalist: The Sleep Thief for Flynn Pharma by Life Healthcare Communications

Inadequate sleep is a huge problem for children with autism. It reduces their ability to function, disrupts their lives and causes behavioural problems. Slenyto is a prolonged-release melatonin that improves daytime behaviour by helping children with autism—and their families—sleep through the night.

By creating a cute, but very irritating monster, we brought to life just how tough it can be for children with autism, without demonising the condition itself.

We created a series of scenes showing the Sleep Thief keeping our child up at night, and playing havoc during the day, impacting the family too.

Finalist: PRESERVE What's Precious for Otsuka by OPEN Health

LUPKYNIS is used to treat lupus nephritis, an irreversible and progressive condition. Time is so precious when patients have LN. The objective of the campaign was to compel HCPs to intervene as early as possible to preserve the function of their patients’ kidneys, by prescribing LUPKYNIS.

This campaign was based on a simple concept, with the emotion conveyed through the craft of the execution. The patient, holding a cracked, porcelain kidney representative of their own fragility.

Importantly, the patients depicted are representative of the disease demographic, which disproportionally affects Black, South Asian, and Hispanic women.

Finalist: Ryeqo® – Good Pain for Gedeon Richter by VCCP Health

Endometriosis is a long-term gynaecological condition affecting around 10% of women. The most common symptom is severe chronic pelvic pain, a devastating pain that can impact the full spectrum of women’s lives.

Based on this insight, we created “Good Pain”. A concept that flips the perception of pain from a life-limiting condition, to a positive consequence of doing something you enjoy. Whether that’s the gratification of an intense workout, or the intensity of a deep tissue massage. Our campaign highlights Ryeqo’s offer to women—that pain can be something experienced on their terms.

Working with Gedeon Richter to launch Ryeqo’s endometriosis indication, we prioritised an emotional launch video targeting gynaecologists and GPs.